Thursday, February 08, 2007

i go to the fashion show of my former needs meetee kahri.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

i don't know what to do with my life.

but i ain't quittin' until every one of the sheep are fed.

so i go needs meeting in the freezing cold.

no one is home at the four apartments, so i leave messages, notes, and treats.

then i feed myself a slice of george's pizza, the official pizza of post-priesthood pizza pandemonium.

i go home and do something i haven't done in a long time: i turn on the tv.

and i immediately fall dead asleep.
released as a leader, i cling to my needs meeting calling.

i see a needs meetee in the subway. she ipods. i read the book of mormon. then we talk. i share a scripture before i exit the train.

i go to inwood good basketball practice. the good shoot baskets. i shoot them shooting baskets for a promo.

the temple president calls me. i will be released as an ordinance worker and called as a veil worker.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

i know the shepherd loves my sheep.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

i have only three weeks left to feed my sheep.

it's challenging to imagine anything better than what i have now, and yet i know something even better is waiting for me.

hillary invites the i3 eq to do another gig in sacrament meeting.

before i notice the topic, the spirit reveals the song, which goes together hamoniously with the topic.